When R and I rented the house we’re in now, we rented it along with a garage that had work benches, electricity, windows, and place to stow things.  I was stoked.  I had been wanting space for a gardening bench and R wanted some space of his own to do some work as well.

That didn’t last long.  Our landlord had evil intentions of tearing it down and building some boring house pretty much on top of us.  Since that point in my renting life, I have been longing for work space to call my own.  I found new space for gardening, so that was solved, but I didn’t have work space with electricity and room for messes.  I’ve needed to remedy that.

A couple of years ago, a property with two houses went up for sale out near the family farm.  One of the houses was the original store in that community (Habberton) and had since been converted into a three bed/1 bath house.  The other house is pretty old and has always been a house.  It’s on an acre of land and could not be more perfect.  Problem was, it was WAY out of my budget.  So, it sat on the market, and sat, and sat.  Perhaps it was waiting for R and I to be in the right place to make a purchase?

While browsing the housing market recently, I noticed the price on it had dropped, significantly.  It was now resting in our budget – 2 houses, 1 acre of land, in our budget.  Is this possible?  I’ve gone to look at it twice and will be taking R out tomorrow to see it.  It has some work to do but the main house is quite livable and the old store would make perfect studio space.  In fact, you could carve a few studios out of it and even have room for a store front.  I’m quite giddy with the potential and hope that R doesn’t hate it, if he does, I’ve got some persuading to do.  I can’t let this one pass me up.